Friday, June 18, 2010
Friday, February 08, 2008

Below are photos of the event. Check out for additional pictures from the press conference!
Dozens of legislators and friends gathered to celebrate Reagan Day-despite the weather!
Rep. Bob Crossthwaite entertained the crowd with Reagan quotes
Senate minority leader Westin speaks to the crowd
RRLP Executive Director Karri Bragg addresses the crowd to close the event
Reporters were on-hand as well!
Wednesday, February 06, 2008

In honor of President Reagan's birthday, the Ronald Reagan Legacy Project asked that governors in all 50 states enact proclamations declaring February 6th "Reagan Day" in their respective states. Below is a list of governors who enacted proclamations, those who didn't, and a list of stragglers who will hopefully sign their name to a proclamation in coming days!
Today, remember what Reagan Day is all about- honoring the spirit and legacy of an amazing American, whose leadership and strength brought about peace and democracy throughout the world.
30 Governors Recognized Reagan Day as of
Governors Who Have Issued a Proclamation:
30 governors, 17 Republican (57%), 13 Democrat (43%)
Robert Riley (R – AL)
Sarah Palin (R – AK)
Bill Owens (D– CO)
M. Jodi Rell (R – CT)
Sonny Perdue (R – GA)
Chet Culver (D – IA)
Butch Otter (R – ID)
Rod Blagojevich (D – IL)
*Mitch Daniels (R – IN)
John Baldacci (D – ME)
Timothy Pawlenty (R – MN)
Haley Barbour (R – MS)
Matt Blunt (R – MO)
David Heineman (R – NE)
John Lynch (D – NH)
Jim Gibbons (R – NV)
Bill Richardson (D – NM)
Eliot Spitzer (D – NY)
John Hoeven (R – ND)
*Brad Henry (D – OK)
Theodore Kulongoski (D – OR)
Don Carcieri (R – RI)
Mark Sanford (R – SC)
Mike Rounds (R – SD)
Phil Bredesen (D – TN)
James Douglas (R – VT)
Christine Gregoire (D – WA)
Joe Manchin, III (D-WV)
David Freudenthal (D – WY)
*Denotes a verbal confirmation of the proclamation.
Governors Who Did Not Issue a Proclamation:
20 governors, 1 Republican (5%), 14 Democrat (70%), 5 No Response at this time (25%)
Janet Napolitano (D – AZ)
Mike Beebe (D – AR)
*Ruth Ann Minner (D – DE)
*Charlie Crist (R – FL)
*Linda Lingle (R – HI)
Kathleen Sebelius (D – KS)
Martin O’Malley (D – MD)
Deval Patrick (D – MA)
Steve Beshear (D – KY)
*Bobby Jindal (R –LA)
Jennifer Granholm (D – MI)
Brian Schweitzer (D – MT)
Mike Easley (D – NC)
Jon Corzine (D – NJ)
Ted Strickland (D – OH)
Ed Rendell (D – PA)
Tim Kaine (D – VA)
Jim Doyle (D-WI)
*Rick Perry (R-TX)
Jon Huntsman, Jr. (R – UT)
*Denotes no response at this time.
Contact governor’s offices today and urge them to declare February 6th, Reagan Day:
Office of Gov. Minner (DE)
Constituent Services
Office of Gov. Crist (FL)
Contact: Sherry
Office of Gov. Lingle (HI)
Constituent Services
Office of Gov. Jindal (LA)
Constituent Services, (225) 342-0991
Office of Gov. Rick Perry
Contact: Cynthia
Thursday, January 31, 2008

Attention, New Yorkers!
Assemblymember Finch (R-Springport) and Senator Tom Libous (R-Binghamton) are working hard to ensure that Reagan's legacy lives on in New York. Together, they have sponsored legislation to name a portion of state route 434 in Tioga County "Ronald Reagan Memorial Parkway."
Currently, New York has only 2 dedications to honor President Reagan. These bills may hit the floor as early as Monday. Contact your legislator today and urge passage of S 1655 and A 7163!
Click here to find your assemblymember or state senator.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Would you like to see a 41-cent stamp issued in honor of President Reagan? Contact the Citizens Stamp Advisory Committee:
Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee
c/o Stamp Development
U.S. Postal Service
1735 North Lynn St., Suite 5013
Arlington, VA 22209-6432.
For more information, visit