Friday, August 05, 2005

Friday was a huge success!

Christopher D. Butler, Executive Director of RRLP, was interviewed several times today over Ronald Reagan Blvd in Washington, DC. It is truly amazing that the liberals are getting this fired up over the proposal. This only electrifies the grassroots! I mean c'mon! If the liberals had just let this proposal go quietly, we wouldn't be having this discussion! Instead we are now actually debating this excellent piece of legislation! Congressman Bonilla deserves a congratulations for this move.

However, the decision by DC Vote Project to plaster the point person from the Congressman's office is just wrong. So I ask every interested person to place contact DC and express your displeasure with their decision. I'd Advise you contact both Ilir Zherka, Executive Director, at or 462-6896 and also Kevin Kiger, the Communications Director at 202-487-7470. They need to be told this isn't a voting issue but rather a fine attempt at honoring a great American. I won't bother to discuss this issue much further tonight but we will take this issue up on Monday.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Congressman Bonilla (R-Texas) Supports Reagan's Legacy!

He recently introduced legislation that will surely upset the left but truly honors our 40th President. The bill would rename 16th NW, Ronald Reagan Blvd. This redesignation only seems appropriate to a Reagan conservative because by any standard Reagan was one of the greatest Americans and fittingly deserves a street leading up to the White House. There is strong symbolism behind this dedication. It is significant because it makes presidential hopefuls aware that Reagan is the President you want to follow if you wish to lead this great country.

Urge your members of Congress to co-sponsor this bill now! We need your support to give this bill some momentum!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Exciting news in the world of Ronald Reagan!

Recently, Rep. Lothian of the Wisconsin legislature proposed new legislation memorializing Ronald Reagan and Harriet Tubman. This is an important time for Wisconsinites to be vocal! We need your support to make sure that Gov. Doyle doesn't feel its appropriate to veto another bill honoring Ronald Reagan. Here is the link for the Wisconsin legislature so you can contact your local representative! These are two great American heroes. Harriet Tubman's courageous acts saved hundreds of slaves. Ronald Reagan freed millions from the horros of Communism. These people deserve fitting dedications.

On another front- Congressman Bonilla of Texas introduced legislation renaming 16th street in NW Ronald Reagan Blvd! This legislation will definitely aggravate some liberals! 16th street contains the AFL-CIO, the Democratic National Committee and all sorts of embassies. This would be such an honor for all involved! (At least we at the RRLP think so!) Contact your congress member and push for them to cosponsor this bill. If you don't know who your congress member is than look it up on That should provide you with everything you need.

Last but not least. Utah becomes the 24th state to honor President Reagan. This September, the Reagan Academy will open up for the first time to students! Good job everyone in Utah.

I'll leave you with a quote today because I came across a good one.
"America has already succeeded where so many other historic attempts at freedom have failed. Already, we've made this cherished land the last best hope of mankind. It's up to us, in our generation, to carry on the hallowed task." Think about it. Feel free to comment!