Fox News Channel: Snubbing Ronald Reagan Day?
Ronald Reagan was one of the most prominent figures of the Twentieth Century.
So, why are some governors refusing to recognize his birthday as a holiday?
Governors Who Have Issued a Proclamation:
33 Governors, 20 Republican (60%), 13 Democrat (40%)
Robert Riley, R-Ala.
Sarah Palin, R-Alaska
+ Arnold Schwarzenegger, R-Calif.
+ Bill Owens, R-Colo.
M. Jodi Rell, R-Conn.
+ Sonny Perdue, R-Ga.
Linda Lingle, R-Hawaii
Butch Otter, R-Idaho
+ Rod Blagojevich, D-Illl.
+ Mitch Daniels, R-Ind.
+ Chet Culver, D-Iowa
+ Ernie Fletcher, R-Ky.
Kathleen Blanco, D-La.
John Baldacci, D-Maine
Timothy Pawlenty, R-Minn.
+ Haley Barbour, R-Miss.
David Heineman, R-Neb.
Jim Gibbons, R-Nev.
John Lynch, D-N.H.
+ Bill Richardson, D-N.M.
Eliot Spitzer, D-N.Y.
+ John Hoeven, R-N.D.
* Brad Henry, D-Okla.
+ Theodore Kulongoski, D-Ore.
+ Don Carcieri, R-R.I.
Mark Sanford, R-S.C.
+ Phil Bredesen, D-Tenn.
+ Rick Perry, R-Texas
Jon Huntsman, Jr., R-Utah
James Douglas, R-Vt.
Christine Gregoire, D-Wash.
+ Joe Manchin, III, D-W.Va.
David Freudenthal, D-Wyo.
* Denotes a verbal confirmation of the proclamation.
+ Denotes a resolution introduced in the state.
Legislators Who Have Introduced a Resolution:
22 States, 28 legislative bodies, 18 adopted
AZ — Resolution read by Rep. Steven Yarbrough in the House (2/6/07)
CA — Rep. Audra Strickland — H.R. 6 — Introduced (1/31/07)
CO — Sen. Greg Brophy — S.J.R. 11 — Adopted (2/6/07)
CO — Sen. Wayne Allard — S.R. 73 — Adopted (2/6/07)
GA — Sen. Ralph T. Hudgens — S.R. 131 — Adopted (2/1/07)
IL — Rep. Jack D. Franks — H.R. 55 — Introduced (1/31/07)
IL — Rep. Robert Pritchard — H.R. 78 — Introduced (2/7/07)
IA — Sen. Jeff Angelo — S.R. 8 — Adopted (2/6/07)
IN — Rep. Eric A. Koch — H.C.R. 14 — Adopted (2/6/07)
KS — Sen. Dennis Ryle — S.R. 1814 — Adopted (2/6/07)
KY — Rep. Ron Crimm — H.R. 64 — Adopted (2/6/07)
KY — Sen. Jack Westwood — S.R. 30 — Adopted (2/6/07)
MA — Adopted in the House (2/6/07)
MS — Rep. Mike Lott — H.C.R. 48 — Introduced (1/30/07)
NV — Sen. William J. Raggio — S.C.R. 1 — Adopted (2/6/07)
NM — Rep. Anna Crook — H.J.M. 21 — Adopted (2/6/07)
NJ — Rep. Sean Kean — A.J.R. 98 — Introduced (2/23/06)
ND — Rep. Bette B. Grande — H.C.R. 3021 — Adopted (2/6/07)
OR — Rep. Donna G. Welson — H.C.R. 3 — Introduced (2/6/07)
PA — Rep. Daryl D. Metcalfe — H.R. 18 — Adopted (1/30/07)
PA — Sen. Jeffery E. Piccola — S.R. 28 — Adopted (2/6/07)
RI — Rep. Robert A. Watson — H.B. 5339 — Adopted (2/6/07)
TN — Rep. Jason Mumpower — H.J.R. 95 — Introduced (2/5/07)
TN — Sen. Diane Black — S.J.R. 28 — Introduced (1/29/07)
TX — Rep. Harvey Hilderbran — H.R. 245 — Adopted (2/6/07)
WV — Rep. Jonathan Miller — H.C.R. 17 — Introduced (2/1/07)
WV — Sen. Don Caruth — S.R. 13 — Adopted (2/6/07)
WI — Sen. Ted Kanavas — S.J.R. 4 — Introduced (1/9/07)
Governors Who Did Not Issue a Proclamation:
17 governors, 14 Democrat (82%), 1 Republican (1%), 3 No Response (17%), 7 states with introduced resolutions or annual days
+ Janet Napolitano, D-Ariz.
O Mike Beebe, D-Ark.
Ruth Ann Minner, D-Del.
* Charlie Crist, R-Fla.
+ Kathleen Sebelius, D-Kan.
* Martin O'Malley, D-Md.
+ Deval Patrick, D-Mass.
Jennifer Granholm, D-Mich.
* Matt Blunt, R-Mo.
Brian Schweitzer, D-Mont.
Mike Easley, D-N.C.
+ Jon Corzine, D-N.J.
Ted Strickland, D-Ohio
+ Ed Rendell, D-Pa.
Mike Rounds, R-S.D.
Tim Kaine, D-Va.
+ Jim Doyle, D-Wisc.
* Denotes no response at this time.
+ Denotes resolution introduced in the state.
O Denotes states with annual Reagan Day.
Governors Who Did Not Issue a Reagan Day Proclamation:
Janet Napolitano, D-Ariz.
Mike Beebe, D-Ark.
Ruth Ann Minner, D-Del.
Charlie Crist, R-Fla.
Kathleen Sebelius, D-Kan.
Martin O'Malley, D-Md.
Deval Patrick, D-Mass.
Jennifer Granholm, D-Mich.
Matt Blunt, R-Mo.
Brian Schweitzer, D-Mont.
Mike Easley, D-N.C.
Jon Corzine, D-N.J.
Ted Strickland, D-Ohio
Ed Rendell, D-Pa.
Mike Rounds, R-S.D.
Tim Kaine, D-Va.
Jim Doyle, D-Wisc.